Spello has so much to offer ......... 

E Città dei fiori

E Città dei fiori

The Umbrian earth is parched but the flowers in Spello are still blooming.  

The Umbrian earth is parched but the flowers in Spello are still blooming.



Andrea Roggi (2015) -  L'amore apre i cuori è la nostra mente

Andrea Roggi (2015) -  L'amore apre i cuori è la nostra mente

A Roman mosaic floor unearthed during building works this year. 

A Roman mosaic floor unearthed during building works this year. 

Exploring alleyways in Spello always brings surprises! 

Exploring alleyways in Spello always brings surprises! 

I much prefer la dolce vita

I much prefer la dolce vita

