The culprit (il colpevile) 

The culprit (il colpevile) 

The last few times I have been in Spello I have noticed a very persistent bird call. In fact I have marvelled at their indefatigability. Following several failed attempts at googling birds of Umbria with unusual calls my curiosity was at a peak. I eventually mentioned it to a neighbour who laughed and told me ...'Non e un uccello' (it's not a bird). My imagination went wild - what sort of creature could it be then? It is not any type of creature, Paula told me, it's a recording created to keep the pigeons away. Her friend Elsebee proceeded to escort me to Raimondo at the Civic Office to make a formal complaint. Apparently this recording has been driving the townspeople living around the Piazza Republica crazy. I was a bit embarrassed to make a fuss so I asked Raimondo if it was possible for the recording to be 'meno forte'.

