Spello has welcomed us again with sunshine and flowers in this wonderful month of 'L'inforiata' . This celebration has occurred in some form since the early 1900's until today when about 80 flower petal carpets are made by the local townspeople to adorn the streets of Spello. The meaning behind these works of art is to honour the Day of 'Corpus Christi' which falls this year on 29 May.

Walking the fragrant streets of Spello in the early morning ensures the freshest looking photos; but photos cannot do this beautiful town justice, you really have to be here to participate in the excitement of this event and to smell the roses and summer jasmine.

Italian is the perfect language to describe this event -: meraviglioso, bellissimo, colorato, spettacolare, stupendo, favoloso, fantastico e straordinario!

You too can speak superlative Italian! 

The wonderful handmade clothing boutique below our apartment

The wonderful handmade clothing boutique below our apartment


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