...Leticia at Bar Bonci proved herself indispensable this morning when I told her that ... ' La chiave dentro casa mia e sono al fuori di casa mia ( the house key is inside my house and I'm outside it). She helped solve the problem which involved me running around the streets to get a duplicate......... And we still made our usual train to class.

My Italian vocabulary is expanding in ways I could never imagine...... Today I learnt Pregare (to pray) Pellegrino (pilgrim) and refettarii ( a nun's equivalent of il ristorante ).

Class was urgently interrupted today and tutti I studenti were quietly ushered together to sing Happy Birthday to one of the teachers. 15 minutes later we were still singing the anniversary wishes - iItalian, English, Croat, Czech, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian ..............

Ciao, Sue xx

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